Branch President’s Brithday

Becky Anderson and Ben Perez for YSA Branch

Sister Anderson and Brother Perez from YSA Branch

President Hale

President Hale

As you can tell by the pictures a group, but not all, of the Young Single Adults we serve with in the Winnebago Branch went to President Hale’s home to wish him Happy Birthday.  We love working with the young adults they have so much energy and talent and strong testimonies of the gospel.   I know the Lord has saved them to come to the earth at this time to help further his work.  They are lead by wonderful men called of God to teach, guide, and help keep them focused on their Savior and the blessing that come through being faithful at all times.  There is a push on right now to reach out to those who are becoming inactive in YSA Branch.  We know the Lord will bless both the members and the leaders in their efforts to love and rescue those that have strayed.

Things are going well, the last two weeks we have had more appointments and more member participation.  We were told once the members got to know us and learned they could trust us and knew we would work diligently with them they would be there to help us and it looks like that is true and now our hard work is beginning to bear fruit.  We take every assignment and request seriously and even though we may not bring every soul back they are contacted and given the opportunity to come home.

On the left hand side of the picture below are Elders, Larrson (Sweden) and Simmons (Utah) (The Oshkosh Elders)  We work with them in the Oshkosh Ward.  They are very good elders, they are within a few months of going home and so they have had lots of experience and are truly an asset to the ward.   Elder Warren (Calif.) serving in Neenah is also in the picture.  He is so kind he and he does not hesitate to share the gospel with everyone her meets,  Elder Wood loves working  with him.  He is about to be transferred and we will truly miss him

Elder's Larrson, Simmons and Elder Warren

Elder’s Larrson, Simmons and Elder Warren